Kronhjorten is a small residence for eight children and young adults with special needs in the age group 7-25 years. We emphasize a rhythmically structured life, where the starting point is the individual. Our pedagogy is based on Rudolf Steiner's pedagogical image of man.
Kronhjorten is a renovated 18th century farm, located in the wonderful natural surroundings with a forest as neighbor. We have rabbits, a herb garden, horses plus a small Christmas and apple tree plantation.
Our residents need a lot of physical and mental care in their everyday lives. For those over 18 years og age, it is valuable that they experience having self-determination and influence over their own lives and development. Community being a decisive factor in people's lives, finding a context/meaning where you belong is a condition for your own development. For people with disabilities, community is particularly important because it provides security, joy and the opportunity to be and find yourself.
We have a high degree of professionalism in our work and our co-workers have a great personal commitment. We care deeply about each and every resident and look at the following:
What is special about this particular child/young adult?
What possibilities and capabilities are present?
What stands in the way of the individuality’s development, which obstacles are there and how can we help the resident overcome these obstacles?
Greetings from us all at